Most of you know that we are unapologetically pro-personhood, and dumbfounded that a serious discussion continues to exist about whether or not anyone has the right – or these days, duty – to kill a baby in the womb.
We often hear: “It’s just a clump of cells…” Really? Well guess what, Sparky…so are you.
From the second that littler swimmer hooks up with that egg, those dividing cells are genetically coded to create a baby. Not. A. Watermelon… Not. A. Puppy…
The “clump of cells” is programmed to form human tissue, which in turn is programmed to form human organs, which along with all the other genetic codes and procedures, produce a precious person. A tiny, innocent person, who had nothing to do with the event that introduced that little swimmer to that egg.
An OB/GYN once told me that if I knew what it took to make a baby (after the hook-up, of course), I’d be surprised any of us were walking around at all.
Indeed it is miraculous in every sense of the word.
Thanks to 4D technology, we can see what a “clump of cells” looks like with great specificity. Pictures below reflect what a little swimmer and egg produced, and how he or she reacted to momma eating veggies…
Kale (courtesy of Epoch Times):
Wow, I’ve never seen a watermelon do THAT!
But what if the “clump of cells” isn’t that fully formed, some will ask? What is the harm in murdering those cells before they fully form and look like a baby?
Please consider that prior to and during WWII, millions of people – all at different stages of development – were exterminated because they didn’t “look like” a bunch of other people, which is exactly whence that type of thinking leads.
We are not blind to the realities of consequences in a fallen world, but a serious discussion about this topic must start with truth…and the truth is that those “clump of cells” is always a person, developing at different stages in momma’s womb.
P.S. Regarding the “three exceptions:” those exceptions existed before Roe and its progeny; they’ll continue now that the issue has been sent back to the states. Unfortunately, the exceptions are merely exploited to program the masses into believing that if certain circumstances exist, “then you may kill the baby.” #SlipperySlope